The \ICD Menu\i interface has three main parts, the program name box, file name box, and file description and/or display box. The program name box list programs available on the CD. Double click a name in the program box to execute that program or view clipart. The file name box lists all the files that make up the program currently selected (highlighted) in the program name box. Double click on a file with a .EXE extension to execute the file. The description box shows a description for the program currently selected (highlighted) in the program name box. \BButton functions\b: \BLaunch\b: executes (runs) the program currently selected in the program name box. For clipart files, Launch starts Windows "Paint Brush" and loads the selected file. \BView\b: displays the contents of the file currently selected in the file name box. Files displayed are .WRI, .HLP, .DIZ, .TXT, .ME, .DOC, and .1ST. \BFind\b: searches for program name matching user entered text \BCopy\b: copies all files for program currently selected in the program name box to the path enter by user. Hold down CTRL key and use the mouse to select multiple clipart files for copying. \BPrint\b: prints displayed clipart picture to your Windows default printer \BExit\b: quits CD Menu